OSU Campus Landscape Master Plan
OSU Campus Landscape Master Plan
Oklahoma State University chose Alaback Design as the lead firm to update their campus landscape master plan. They were hired to develop vibrant, multi use outdoor spaces and address a broad range of campus elements. Accessibility, sustainability, way finding, and safety were the main concerns. Analysis of the campus and the needs of the students, faculty, and campus visitors was facilitated by our team of landscape architects and planners. This resulted in standards for landscape design, site materials, exterior lighting, and site furnishings. Special consideration was given to streets, walkways and open areas- the types of outdoor spaces that set the tone for campus visitors and create a memorable sense of place. The new master plan also incorporated recommendations for the campus transportation system, with detailed plans for vehicles, pedestrians and transit. To immediately enhance the outdoor environment, several projects were recommended as priorities for implementation. These smaller projects were selected based on their potential to create a large impact at relatively low cost.
Location: Stillwater, OK
Client: Oklahoma State University